Sunday, 18 September 2016

Episode 44: Trade

Anh enjoyed seeing Nhu Ha each morning as she swept into the Chợ Đồng Xuân on her scooter, her mothers broken smile beaming as she greeted her, but today as she approached it wasn't her mother that greeted her, but her distraught father.  Anh listened intently as Quang explained what he'd found when he'd returned from his first trip to the square earlier that morning.

Within minutes of hearing of her mothers disappearance she had called Trung and demanded he find her.  

Phuong knew that Anh was dangerous, especially when cornered and so proceeded carefully once he knew that Nhu Ha was safely being held.  He also knew that Anh would have Trung and his thugs out on the street scouring every corner of the city, and that her anger and venom would be total, but he also knew her reactions and thus considered her anger his ally to his cause.

Shortly after a hand written note was delivered to Anh at her apartment at the Chợ Đồng Xuân, the nervous youth who delivered it knew better than to look directly at her, but presented it and slowly backed away from the door with his head bowed before running for his life.  

Anh had snatched the note from the youth and began reading it as he fled down the stairs and out into the crowded market.  She was incredulous at the impudence of the kidnappers, didn't they know who she was?

Screaming for Trung, she seethed with anger as he breathlessly entered his presence.  

Taking a deep breath and composing herself she turned on Trung, speaking in quiet and hushed tones as her searing gaze bored into his. It was at moments like these that Trung thought that Anh was at her most dangerous, and that her sharp, black and venomous eyes were more akin to that of the Hooded Cobra than anything human.  He shuddered before averting his eyes.

Heaven help whoever had kidnapped Nhu Ha he thought, for they were surely dead...

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