Sunday 2 October 2016

Episode 50: Sojourn

The plane touched down just at Malpensa airport in Milan some three hours after leaving London, although as she would soon find out the onward trip to Bangkok was going to be delayed as one of the engines had been damaged during the turbulence and they needed to send another plane from London to complete the journey.  

The announcement from British Airways caught almost everyone by surprise "We apologized for the delay in British Airways flight 12 from London to Bangkok.  Unfortunately our plane is no longer in service, another plane is now en-route from London's Heathrow and will arrive early tomorrow morning.  We are expecting an 8:00 am departure and it is imperative that you return to the airport no later than 6:00 am in readiness for your onward flight to Bangkok".  The announcer went onto say that British Airways in the process of arranging accommodations and to be seated until further notice, but it soon turned into a mob scene with everyone scrumming around the BA desk hoping to get more information.  Lea stood to the side of the writhing crowd and felt a touch of giddiness after hearing the announcement.  Okay now what she thought?

A moment later she felt the gentle touch of a hand on her lower back, "I know a beautiful hotel where we can stay, and can still be back in the morning to catch our flight" the voice whispered softly into her ear, Lea smiled and blushed deeply as she recognized her seat mates voice from the plane.  After landing they awkwardly smiled and released each others grasp and it was then that Alessio had formally introduced himself.  Lea had warmed to him immediately, not only was he impeccably dressed, and ruggedly handsome but what sealed the deal was he big brown eyes and his mesmerizingly soft Italian accent which she could listen to for hours...  

"Where would we go she stammered, her brow furrowing slightly as Alessio smiled confidently and said that his cousin had a hotel just outside Milan and that a driver was on his way to pick them up.  She hesitated for a moment before deciding to go with her gut, reasoning that her journalist instincts would have kicked in if she had any doubts about him. She was both curious and a little excited...although not willing to admit this to herself just yet.    

It was raining softly as the Mercedes pulled to the curb in front of the terminal, and the driver got out and walked to Alessio, smiling and with a barely noticeable nod opened the umbrella to shelter them from the rain.  The driver opened the door and allowed Lea to step into the luxuriously appointed back seat. 

Moments later they were speeding from the terminal toward the hotel all the while Lea's stomach danced with butterflies... 

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