Monday 16 October 2017

Episode 82: Starting afresh

Bill's first night back in his apartment felt strange, his dissonance stemmed from knowing that one of Mai's bodyguard was keeping watch on him but it was more than that, his apartment now seemed strangely foreign yet it was the same as it always had been...  

He lay awake, the sweat cooling his body with the movement of air from the overhead fan, but sleep evaded him.  He noted the first rays of light as they began peeking through the floor to ceiling shutters.  After showering he decided he decided to walk to the Star Cafe, although it still wouldn't be open he could use the walk to clear his clattering head.

As he emerged on Cát Linh Đống Đa he noted Mai's bodyguard in the shadows before heading toward the old city and the Star.  He was hoping that Phuong would be there to greet him and was looking forward to seeing his old friend.

Crossing Nguyễn Thái Học was always hazardous although at this time of morning he successfully dodged the ever burgeoning sea of scooters that used this main thoroughfare.  

As he turned the corner onto Nguyen Thien Thuat he saw Bin Dong, the Star's owner unlocking the cafe and greeted him with the familiar Chào buổi sáng Bin (Good morning Bin), Bin spun around, a large smile creasing his face when he saw Bill walk toward him.  

Yes, it was good to be back in familiar surroundings he thought...

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